We would like to thank all our delegates, enablers
and facilitators for making the inaugural edition of
#PNCamp a grand success.
Few Captured Moments

Learning from Product Entrepreneurs at #PNCamp
by Praveen SinghThe best insights & tactics come from your peers who are just 3-6 months ahead of where you are. Read more
Big missing thing realised!
by Siddharth DeshmukhWow, it was a great place to be... That big missing element in any conference of interactivity, meeting new... Read more
PNCamp - Great initiative by iSPIRT
by Raghavendra SinghPNCamp was a great initiative by iSPIRT. Focus on selected set and right mix of Entrepreneurs that enables two way processes "Learning and Sharing"... Read more
The bootcamp for product leaders
PNCamp is for qualified Product startups only
Customer Discovery Hacking
4th December 2013 (full-day)
Customer discovery hacking for early stage startups.
Participant Cohorts of 20-24 folks.
Getting razor sharp on getting paying customers.
Curator : Pallav Nadhani
Discovery Themes
Entrepreneurship is a 7 year haul
Picking your battles
Eat, Sleep, Listen, Repeat Customer Development
Experiments never killed anybody
Shameless is the new 'sexy'
Scale hacking
5th December (full-day)
Scale hacking for startups with initial traction
Participant Groups of 15 folks.
Discover the secret sauce of turning on the afterburners of your jet engine to skyrocket your startup.
Discuss thorny issues with similar stage peers—the hot baked, interactive learnings.
Curator : Bala Parthasarathy
- Great Indian Street Fight selling successfully in India
- Dancing with Elephants in the new flat world playing with global players
- Quick Bites 1 : Writing Good Copy
- Quick Bites 2 : Positioning for Getting Acquired
- Quick Bites 3 : Using social media for sales, support and more
- Quick Bites 4 : Get listed in TechCrunch for $0. Offer expires on 5 Dec.
Facilitators at #PNCamp will be there to listen to your stories. And to
help you make your story the stuff that conferences are made of :)
Volunteering is like an open-source movement. You learn a lot, give back, and lean upon all your co-volunteers to make things happen.
The PNCamp blog

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